Material: bronze
Dimensions: 10 cm
Possibility to buy a knife sheath, knife or just a sheath. Craftsman Historical Knives (Facebook).
The price is for 1 pc.
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38.00 €
Material: bronze
Dimensions: 10 cm
Possibility to buy a knife sheath, knife or just a sheath. Craftsman Historical Knives (Facebook).
The price is for 1 pc.
Material: bronze
Dimensions: 10 cm
Possibility to buy a knife sheath, knife or just a sheath. Craftsman Historical Knives (Facebook).
The price is for 1 pc.
Replica. Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape. Grupa I typ 1a wg. Paulsen. Dating of: X th. Place of discovery: 1. Rus: Gniezdowo, Krutik, Nowogród, Gorodisce; 2. Denmark: Hadeby; 3. Germany: Szlezwik; 4.Gotland; 5. Norway: Rørvik, Nærøy, Nord-Trøndelag; 6. Sweden: Birka (grób 944, grób 643, grób 750), Saltvik, Eneborg, Aland , Berg Hedesunda; 7. Litwa: Vėžaičiai, Žąsinas; 8. Łotwa: Auce Islandi
Replica. Bronze Sword Scabbard Chape. Grupa Ib2 wg. Kazakieviciusa. Dating of: IX-XI th. Place of discovery: 1. Poland: Gdynia-Oksywie, Podzamcze; 2. Rus: Gniezdowo, Wiskiauten; 3. Denmark: Zealand, Ballerup, Bjergene; 4. Gotland; 5. Litwa; 6. Bulgaria Zavet
The pommel and crossguard of the sword.
material: bronze
We perform historically accurate and beautifully finished sword scabbards. Material: wood + leather + bone glue.
The pommel and crossguard of the sword.
material: bronze